The basic terms of cybersecurity are discussed here. These days fundamental knowledge of cybersecurity is essential for everyone. You must be aware of these basic terms of the cyber world to keep yourself secure over the internet.
It is a criminal activity done with the help of a Computer or Network. A computer or Network is used as a tool. It is punishable according to Cyberlaw.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attacks, damages, or unauthorized accesses.
DoS-Denial of Service
It is a type of attack or crime where genuine users are denied access to the resources due to unavailability of the resources.
Also known as keystroke logging. It is the act of recording or monitoring the keypunch operations of the user without their knowledge
An act done to harm others or exhibit the desire to harm others intentionally.
An attempt made to access the user’s password or other secret information or credentials for malicious activities.
Secret collection of data or operation without the permission of the owner or holder.
It is a type of malicious software that prevents users from accessing their data for want of money.