Trees in Data Structure and Their Properties: Binary Trees, AVL Trees, and More

Learn about the different types of trees in data structures, including binary trees, AVL trees, B-trees, and Trie trees, and their properties.


Trees types and their properties in DSA

Trees are an essential data structure used in computer science and programming languages for organizing data and performing various tasks.

A tree is a hierarchical structure consisting of nodes connected by edges or branches. Each node in a tree can have any number of child nodes, and every node, except the root node, has one parent node.

In this article, we will explore the properties and features of trees and discuss some popular types of trees such as Binary Trees, AVL Trees, and more.

What is a Tree?

A tree is a data structure that consists of a collection of nodes connected by edges. The topmost node in a tree is called the root node, and every other node in the tree is connected to the root node by a unique path.

Each node in a tree can have any number of children, and each child can have any number of children. However, there are some restrictions on the number of children a node can have in some types of trees.

Properties of Trees

Before we dive into the different types of trees, let’s first discuss some of the essential properties of trees.

Root Node: The root node is the topmost node in a tree and is the starting point for traversing the tree.

Child Node: A child node is a node that has one parent node. Each node in a tree can have any number of child nodes.

Parent Node: A parent node is a node that has one or more child nodes.

Leaf Node: A leaf node is a node that does not have any child nodes. It is also referred to as a terminal node.

Siblings: Nodes that have the same parent node are called siblings.

Height of a Tree: The height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root node to the leaf node.

Depth of a Node: The depth of a node is the length of the path from the root node to the node.

Degree of a Node: The degree of a node is the number of child nodes it has.

Level of a Node: The level of a node is the distance from the root node, where the root node is at level 0.

Types of Trees

There are several types of trees, each with its unique characteristics and applications. Here, we will discuss some popular types of trees.

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a type of tree in which each node has at most two child nodes. The child nodes are typically referred to as the left child and the right child. A binary tree can either be empty or contain a root node, a left subtree, and a right subtree.

Binary trees are used in many computer applications and programming languages. They are particularly useful for searching and sorting algorithms. Binary search algorithms take advantage of the binary tree structure to quickly search for an item in the tree.

One of the primary advantages of binary trees is that they allow for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion of elements.

Some of the essential properties of a binary tree are:

The maximum number of nodes at the nth level of a binary tree is 2^n.

The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height h is 2^(h+1) – 1.

The minimum possible height of a binary tree with n nodes is log2(n+1).

AVL Trees

AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree that maintains the height-balancing property. In an AVL tree, the height difference between the left subtree and the right subtree of any node is at most one.

This balancing property ensures that the height of the tree is always O(log n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

The height-balancing property of AVL trees makes them particularly useful in situations where a balanced tree is required. For example, in databases, AVL trees are used to index and search for records efficiently.

Additionally, AVL trees are used in various computer applications that require efficient searching and sorting algorithms.

Properties of an AVL tree

In an AVL tree, the height difference between the left subtree and the right subtree of any node is at most one.

The balance factor of a node is defined as the difference between the height of its left and right subtrees. If the balance factor of a node is greater than one or less than minus one, then the tree is unbalanced and requires rebalancing.

The time complexity of searching, insertion, and deletion in an AVL tree is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.


B-trees are a type of balanced tree that can have any number of child nodes within a certain range. B-trees are commonly used in databases and file systems where large amounts of data need to be stored and accessed efficiently.

One of the primary advantages of B-trees is that they can handle large amounts of data by storing multiple keys in each node.

The B-tree structure allows for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion of elements, even with large amounts of data. The height of a B-tree is always O(log n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

Properties of a B-tree of order m

  • Each node has at most m children.
  • Each node, except the root node, has at least ceil(m/2) children.
  • If the root node is not a leaf node, it has at least two children.
  • All leaves are at the same level.
  • The height of a B-tree with n keys is O(log n).

Trie Trees

Trie trees are a type of tree used for storing and searching strings efficiently. In a trie tree, each node represents a single character in a string. The root node represents an empty string, and each child node represents a character in the string.

Trie trees are commonly used in spell checkers, auto-complete features, and search engines. They allow for efficient searching of strings and can handle large amounts of data.

The B-tree structure allows for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion of elements, even with large amounts of data. The height of a B-tree is always O(log n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

Properties of a Trie tree

Each node in a trie tree has at most 26 child nodes (for lowercase English letters).

The height of a trie tree is equal to the length of the longest string stored in the tree.

The time complexity of searching, insertion, and deletion in a trie tree is O(m), where m is the length of the string.


Trees are a crucial data structure used in computer science and programming languages. They provide an efficient way of organizing data and performing various tasks such as searching, sorting, and indexing.

In this article, we discussed some popular types of trees such as binary trees, AVL trees, B-trees, and Trie trees, and their essential properties and characteristics.

Understanding the properties and features of trees is essential for writing efficient algorithms and data structures.

Whether you are working on a database, search engine, or any other computer application, trees are a valuable tool to have in your arsenal.